Call for Proposals open for HIMSS24 APAC in Seoul


The call for proposals is open to speak at the HIMSS24 APAC Conference & Exhibition from 1-4 October 2024, in Seoul. Please apply to share your inspirational case studies, transformation journeys and experiences with digital health.

Submissions will be accepted until 31 May 2024.  

Proposals for speaker opportunities can include any digital transformation story, including small-scale pilot studies, massive tech overhauls and real-time, evidence-based examples of digital health transformation. Multiple submissions are accepted.  

Proposals will be reviewed by the HIMSS24 APAC Steering Committee and HIMSS Team.

In submitting your proposal, you are encouraged to explore the conference’s four educational tracks which are:

Artificial Intelligence

One of the most rapidly evolving and impactful technologies today. This track will focus on case studies, practical applications and the latest trends driving its use.

Smart Hospital

Smart hospitals offer a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between technology and healthcare delivery. This track will focus on enhance patient care, operational efficiency and digital maturity.


With cyber threats increasing, this track aims to provide the attendees the tools and understanding the need and the “how” to protect data.


Innovations engage and inspire, and speakers will present emerging trends, a glimpse of latest advancements and even demonstrate their solutions and technologies during the sessions.

Beyond a focus on the tracks, having touchpoints on the following themes during your presentation would be useful:

  • Business
  • Care
  • Data & Information
  • Health Equity
  • Organizational Governance
  • Process Analysis And Redesign
  • Public Policy
  • Technology
  • Workforce

Selected proposals will be notified by July 2024.