Board Elections 2023-2024


ELECTION PERIOD 6/19 through 6/23/23

Bluegrass HIMSS Chapter Members,

Here are our proposed nominees for the 2023-2024 year:


  • President: Andrew Bledsoe
  • President Elect: Lisa Deaton
  • Past President: Chris Corkins
  • Secretary: Connie Tedesco
  • Treasurer: Stephanie Hojan
  • Advocacy Chair: Dr. Bridget Burshears
  • Communication Chair: Scott Sloan
  • Informatics Chair: Natalie Norton
  • Informatics Chair-Elect:  Tara McKinney
  • Events Chair: Judy Nichols
  • Vendor Relations Chair: Rhonda Dowdy
  • OA Chair: Ronda Wigginton
  • Members at Large:
    • Sarah Hajjar
    • Brent McKune
    • Joe Ranieri
    • Danielle Sage





Dear Bluegrass Kentucky HIMSS Chapter Member,

Pursuant to our Chapter By-Laws, we have annual nominations and elections for open board member positions.

We are pleased to announce that the Bluegrass Kentucky Chapter elections for 2023-2024 are now open! Newly elected Board members will serve from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. We are actively seeking volunteers for those positions. If you would like to be considered for one of the open positions, please contact Andrew Bledsoe, President of the Bluegrass Chapter of HIMSS, at .  Nominations will close on June 12th, and voting for roles will commence the following week.

To be eligible to hold a board position, HIMSS By-Laws require an individual must be a member in good standing of both HIMSS and the state chapter for a period of at least one (1) year.

Here the positions in our chapter for the 2023-2024 year.  Please note that each role has a present and future (elect) position to allow for those who aspire to a role to be partnered with someone experienced in that role for a year ahead of taking on leadership for that role the subsequent year.

  • President Elect: The President-Elect, in the absence of the President, presides at all meetings of the Chapter and the Chapter Board of Directors and automatically succeeds to the office of President at the end of the presiding President's term
  • Treasurer / Elect:  The Treasurer is responsible for all funds and securities of the Chapter; shall receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the Chapter from any sources whatsoever
  • Secretary / Elect:  The Secretary shall keep or cause to be kept the minutes of the meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors and voting members.
  • Advocacy / Elect:  The Advocacy Chair provides leadership to the chapter board and Advocacy Committee to identify advocacy priorities on a regional/state/territorial level that the chapter can get involved in to advance heath through information and technology.
  • Communications / Elect:  The communication chair provides regular communications to the chapter members about upcoming events and communications around programs.
  • Informatics Elect:  The Health Informatics and Analytics chair-elect provides leadership to the chapter board and Clinical Informatics committee to managing the chapter’s informatics and analytics program.
  • Events chair/elect: The events chair is responsible for development and execution of the events initiated by the chapter.
  • Vendor Relations / elect:  The Vendor Relations chair provides leadership to the chapter board and Sponsorship committee in developing sponsor recruitment and retention activities, setting annual Sponsorship goals, and evaluating sponsor satisfaction.
  • Organizational Affiliates chair / elect:  The organizational affiliates chair is responsible for communications with the provider organizations in the local region which have company-based memberships with HIMSS.
  • Board Members at Large:  Each Member-at-Large will either serve as a committee liaison, as a committee chair, or serve on a committee. The Board Member-at-Large must be willing to be meet the needs of the chapter where needed.


Andrew Bledsoe

President, Bluegrass HIMSS, Kentucky Chapter