Board of Director Role Descriptions




The President is the lead officer of the Chapter and is responsible for calling and presiding at Chapter board meetings as well as providing direction and coordination to other board officers, members of the board and the members of the Chapter.  


One year; typically following one year as President-Elect and continuing one year as Immediate Past President


Exercise executive leadership and supervision over all business affairs and activities of the Chapter. Act as a chair of the Chapter Board of Directors.


  • Preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership
  • Establish the agenda and schedule for all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and the membership
  • Execute contracts and other instruments on behalf of the Chapter designated officers, as duly authorized by the Board of Directors
  • Authorize all expenditures of Chapter funds with approval of the Board of Directors
  • Appoint chairs and members of all standing committees and special task forces, subject to board ratification
  • Facilitate the annual Chapter self-evaluation and audit of activities, including a review of standing committees and special task forces 
  • Serve as the primary liaison with HIMSS and attend necessary programs and meetings in support of on-going HIMSS/Chapter relations
  • Act as chief representative of the Chapter to external audiences, organizations, and agencies including the community at large
  • Ensure compliance with all reporting obligations to federal, state, and local governments and to HIMSS, including primary responsibility for Annual Report
  • Conduct year-end transition meeting with the outgoing and incoming Chapter Board of Directors
  • Perform any other non-specified duties necessary to further the business of the Chapter as duly authorized by the Chapter Board of Directors


  • Must be a current member of HIMSS in good standing for the past year.
  • Served as President-Elect in the current fiscal year before becoming President (per bylaws) 
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, strong business acumen and commitment to perform in an orderly and responsible manner, all duties of the office
  • Ability to attend the HIMSS Annual Chapter Leadership Workshop (held in conjunction with the HIMSS Annual Conference) 



Past President 


The past president is an officer of the Board of Directors having completed duties as president of the Chapter.  The past president may participate in the recruitment of future officers and members of the BOD by chairing or serving on the nominating committee. 


  • Attend regular and special meetings of the Chapter BOD and the membership.
  • Offer information and guidance on recent decisions, plans and business of the Chapter to provide continuity, including assisting President with Annual Report.
  • Help ensure smooth Chapter leadership transitions by participating in the recruitment and identification of future Chapter officers and board members by serving on or chairing the nominating committee.
  • Responsible for coordinating chapter activities and role at HIMSS AC.


  • Must be a current member of HIMSS in good standing for the past year. 
  • Served as immediate past Chapter President.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, strong business acumen and a commitment to perform in an orderly and responsible manner, all duties of the office.





The president-elect generally assists and assumes responsibilities of the president when s/he is not available.  The combination of the president-elect position helps to ensure a smooth leadership transition as the future president gains experience in a leadership role prior to becoming president


One year; followed by one year as President and one year as Immediate Past President


  • Assists the Chapter president in conducting the business affairs and activities of the Chapter through special assignments and duties delegated at the direction of the president and/or the Board of Directors.
  • Presides at regular meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors and the membership in the absence of the Chapter president.  Assumes the office of the president upon conclusion of the one-year term as president-elect.  May be required to complete the unfulfilled term of the current Chapter President due to resignation or special circumstances.


  • Attend all regular and special meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors and the membership, and notifies the Chapter president if unable to attend.
  • Preside over any regular and special meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors or the membership in the event of the Chapter president’s absence.
  • Prepare and distribute a program of Chapter activities for the year.
  • May chair a committee or special task force and/or serve as liaison to one or more committees, as assigned by the Chapter President. 
  • Consider availability to attend Chapter Leader Exchange hosted by HIMSS in July
  • Manage professional relationships with other organizations affiliated with the chapter (collaborators)


  • Must have served in another board position for at least 1 year (per chapter bylaws)
  • Must be a current member of HIMSS in good standing for the past year.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, strong business acumen and a commitment to perform in an orderly and responsible manner, all duties of the office.





The treasurer has charge of and responsibility for all funds and securities of the Chapter, including oversight of deposits and disbursements. Duties shall be conducted in conformance with the approved budget, Chapter’s fiscal policies and any financial decisions previously made by the BOD.  The treasurer ensures that regular financial reports and an annual audit are presented to and interpreted for the Chapter BOD and HIMSS.


  • Attend all regular and special meetings of the BOD, and notifies the president if unable.
  • Manage securing the deposit and disbursement of Chapter funds and investments.
  • Maintain all required documents and financial records related to Chapters finance.
  • Prepare a proposed budget for review, modification and final approval by the Chapter BOD.
  • Monitor income and expense activity relative to the Chapter budget, and makes appropriate recommendations to adjust for any variances.
  • Prepare and submit necessary documents to comply with federal and state tax rules .
  • Maintain a treasurer's book of Chapter records, correspondence and activities to be transferred to the incoming treasurer.
  • Perform any other duties necessary to further the business of the Chapter as duly directed by president and/or the Board of Directors.


  • Must be a current member of HIMSS in good standing for the past year.
  • Demonstrated strong business acumen and a commitment to perform in an orderly and responsible manner, all duties of the office.
  • Commitment to ethical management of Chapter funds. 





Records all actions of the Chapter board and membership and prepares meeting minutes. Maintains Extranet site, which contains the permanent corporate record of the Chapter.  Oversees BOD elections and member surveys. 


  • Attend all regular and special meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors (BOD), and notifies the president if unable to attend so that an interim secretary can be assigned.
  • Ensure that an annual (minimum) member survey is conducted. 
  • Arrange for conducting BOD meetings, whether held in person or by conference call.
  • Record, prepare, and distribute the minutes via email in a timely fashion. 
  • Create, maintain, and archive electronic records containing notices, agendas, and related materials, in addition to the signed and approved minutes to Extranet site. 
  • Confirm BOD candidates are eligible to run for office, prepares slate for election, communicates results to BOD.   Prepares ballots.


  • Must be a current member of HIMSS in good standing for the past year.
  • Demonstrated leadership skills, strong business acumen and a commitment to perform in an orderly and responsible manner, all duties of the office.