Building Relationships with Legislators: A Primer for HIMSS Advocacy

Effective advocacy thrives on strong relationships, particularly those forged with legislators and policymakers. These relationships form the cornerstone of successful advocacy efforts, enabling you to articulate your message, influence policy decisions, and ultimately drive positive change. For advocates within the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), building meaningful relationships with legislators is crucial to advancing healthcare policies that benefit society at large.

Why Building Relationships Matters

Building relationships with legislators is a strategic imperative for any advocate. Here are several compelling reasons why these relationships matter:

  1. Trust and Credibility: Establishing trust and credibility with legislators ensures that your advocacy efforts are taken seriously. When a legislator knows you and respects your opinion, they are more likely to engage with you and consider your recommendations.

  2. Access and Engagement: A strong relationship often translates to better access to legislators. Regular engagement allows you to share your perspectives, provide expert insights, and educate them about critical healthcare issues.

  3. Influence and Impact: Relationships with legislators give you the platform to influence their understanding of healthcare challenges and potential solutions. When legislators trust your judgment, they may integrate your suggestions into the policymaking process.

Strategies for Building Relationships

Here are practical strategies to help HIMSS advocates build effective relationships with legislators:

  1. Personalized Communication:

    • Know Your Legislator: Understand the legislator's background, interests, and positions on healthcare issues.
    • Tailor Your Message: Craft communications that align with the legislator's priorities and concerns, showcasing how your advocacy efforts are mutually beneficial.
  2. Attend Town Halls and Community Events:

    • Actively participate in public events hosted by legislators to engage with them on a personal level.
    • Use these opportunities to discuss healthcare issues, express your concerns, and convey the value of HIMSS initiatives.
  3. Collaborate with Legislative Staff:

    • Build relationships with legislative aides, as they play a crucial role in a legislator's decision-making process.
    • Share relevant information and seek their insights on healthcare policies to enhance their understanding of HIMSS goals.
  4. Leverage Technology and Social Media:

    • Engage with legislators on social media platforms, sharing insights and information about healthcare trends and challenges.
    • Utilize technology to schedule virtual meetings, ensuring consistent and efficient communication.
  5. Participate in Advocacy Days and Legislative Visits:

    • Join HIMSS advocacy events and legislative visits to directly interact with legislators.
    • Present data-driven arguments and success stories from HIMSS initiatives that emphasize the positive impact on healthcare delivery.
  6. Express Appreciation and Acknowledgment:

    • Acknowledge legislators' support for healthcare initiatives, expressing gratitude for their efforts in advancing meaningful policies.
    • Send thank-you notes or emails to maintain a positive and appreciative relationship.


Building relationships with legislators is an ongoing and strategic process. HIMSS advocates are encouraged to leverage these strategies and actively engage with policymakers to make a difference in healthcare. By nurturing these relationships, we can collectively contribute to the development of policies that drive innovation, enhance patient care, and ultimately create a healthier future for all.

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