10th Annual Innovation Conference & Expo

March 23, 2023 | Chapter Event

This innovation conference provides a pathway to the expanding universe of healthcare, focused on the future of digital health and virtual medicine.

Listen, learn, and engage with the top minds in healthcare, technology, and policy as we discuss the biggest topics in Digital Health!

✦ Cybersecurity: Endpoint Protection

✦ Data

✦ Psychological Safety in Workplace

✦ The Well-Being of Healthcare Professionals

✦ EXPO Innovation Showcase

DATE: Thursday, March 23, 2023

TIME: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM PST

LOCATION: Zoom Events Platform

Register Today!


9:00 AM – Event Lobby Opens

9:30 AM — Welcome

10:00 AM — Keynote: Will Healthcare Follow the Uusal Hype Cycle for AI? (featuring Dr. Kevin Schulman)

Join Dr. Kevin Schulman as he discusses the following topics pertaining to healthcare innovation:

  • Technology Driven Innovation: AI
  • Disruptive Innovation: Technology Innovation and Business Innovation
  • Biodesign: Needs Based Innovation (but who is the customer)


Kevin Schulman

Professor of Medicine, Stanford University

10:50 AM - "Cultivating Psychological Safety in the Workplace" 

Join Mai Gattenyo, Consultant with Leaderology, as she shares insights into a critical differentiator of high-performing teams - psychological safety. In this session, Mai will explain the impact of psychological safety for leaders and team members, and why you need to be intentionally cultivating psychological safety throughout your career. Then, Mai will share techniques for building psychological safety and trust, and how to identify psychologically safe workplaces.



Mai Gattenyo 

Consultant, Leaderology

11:40 AM - "Putting Your People First: The History and Future of Clinician Wellbeing"

Join Dr. Faraz Ghoddusi as he shares insight on aspects leading to the current clinician burnout and the current mistrust in the system. Dr. Faraz Ghoddusi will then address the issue by looking into the future state using Health IT to bring back the art of medicine


Faraz Ghoddusi

Associate Chief Health Information Officer, Oregon Health & Science University

12:20 PM - Lunch and Networking on the Expo Floor

12:50 PM - Security of the Future - The Internet Disappears! Now What?



Sri Bharadwaj

Chief Operating and Information Officer, Longevity Health Plan

Join Sri Bharadwaj from Longevity Health Plan as he discusses the future of cybersecurity. Innovative topics to be covered in the session include:

  • Human Brain Hack
  • 3D Organ Printing
  • Encrypted VR and AR
  • What Patients will want? 
  • Swapping the Data Exchange

1:40 PM - "Data: EHR Audit Logs on Patient Outcomes and Treatment"

Join Robert Thombley from the Center for Clinical Informatics and Improvement Research, the nationally recognized home of EHR audit log research in the US, as he presents on the unique insights to be gained from researching EHR use, their approaches to capturing health care context. Robert will also present a few case studies from his research to illustrate the value and the promise of their work.  

Traditional clinical research has been dominated by answering “What” questions in medicine: “What diagnosis is it? What treatment works? What happens when we use this treatment with that diagnosis.” The advent of the electronic medical record enabled entirely new domains of research to emerge, ones that allow us to incorporate significantly more context into our understanding of health care delivery in ways that were impossible or prohibitively expensive even a decade ago.

All EHR vendors are required to include functionality that allows administrators the ability to audit access & use of the EMR by users. While intended to support security and auditing of inappropriate access to patient data, these audit logs provide a detailed and high-resolution lens into the actions of healthcare providers, the patients they care for and the organizations they operate in. This data grants us - the QI analyst, the healthcare reformer, the researcher, clinic administrators – access to a novel arena, a world in which we can better understand the context within which we provide health care. We can now understand not just “what” is happening at bedside or in the clinic, but who was there, when they were there, how they did their work and use this information to begin to address the idea of “why.”



Robert Thombley
Lead Data Architect, UCSF Health

2:20 PM - Networking on the Expo Floor

3:00 PM - Event Closing


ScriptChain Health

ScriptChain Health is an AI prediction platform for heart disease and readmission. We are a plug-in system for electronic health care systems such as EPIC and Cerner with a SaaS based business model that helps identify high risk patients for heart disease/readmission and recommend what the physician should do next following the ACC guidelines as our gold standard.

We would love to connect with physicians who would be interested in connecting to pilot our product with their healthcare institution.

Contact: Moh Noori, Founder and CEO, moh@scriptchain.cohttps://scriptchain.co/home

Ambrosia Systems Inc. 

Ambrosia is building the first non-invasive real-time CGM by using the learnings from the patented real-time continuous glucose monitoring(CGM) platform used by patients with gestational, type 1, type 2 diabetes in more than 100 countries.  Earlier, Ambrosia revolutionized the diabetes management industry with best-in-class, easy to use and affordable real-time continuous glucose monitor(rt-CGM) with activity, direct-to-watch, resulting in better and faster outcomes. Ambrosia is making real-time continuous glucose monitoring better, affordable, and helped reduce the cost 85% in Asia and 70% in Europe and North American countries.

Contact: Piyush Gupta, Founder and CEO,  piyush.gupta@AmbrosiaSys.com, https://www.AmbrosiaSys.com

Zeto, Inc. 

Zeto enhances the accessibility and affordability of brainwave testing, resulting in improved outcomes for neurological issues such as epilepsy, stroke, concussion, and sleep disorders.
Zeto's EEG technology is a revolutionary solution in the field of EEG testing. It addresses the limitations of traditional EEG technology that has remained largely unchanged for nearly a century, leaving it underutilized for the evaluation of patients with neurological conditions like seizures, confusion, epilepsy, stroke, concussion, and sleep disorders.  Zeto provides healthcare professionals and patients with a simple, easy, and convenient EEG experience, with the added benefit of quick and smart data analysis through a cloud platform. This makes EEG testing more accessible and available in more hospitals and clinics. Zeto's EEG system not only democratizes access to EEG testing, but it also harnesses the power of AI to open up new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of neurological conditions.  Zeto's EEG technology is a paradigm shift in EEG testing, offering a more efficient, effective, and accessible solution for patients and healthcare professionals alike. 

Contact: Aswin Gunasekar, Founder and CEO, aswingunasekar@zetoinc.com, https://zeto-inc.com/

Zemplee, Inc.

By 2050, more than half a billion people on our planet will be aged 65 and over and will choose to age in remote environments such as their homes or institutions. These environments are not designed to address the minimum required levels of care, safety and health that is necessary for them to live and thrive.  The eldercare market relies heavily on a disproportionate supply of labor which is in constant short supply, universally. This creates an enormous gap between the basic level of care provided and the level of care required, which results in adverse outcomes such as high costs, premature and repeated hospitalizations, prolonged state of physical and mental deterioration and poor quality of life.   Zemplee has created an aging-in-place solution with an AI powered attentive technology that is changing the way we fundamentally care for our loved ones.  An award-winning company with patented technology uses a non-invasive, non-intrusive, non-wearable motion and touch-based IoT Sensor kit with a AI application that   a) empowers caregivers with unique insights and helps them become better and efficient caregivers b) keeps an eye on the elderly ensuring their care and safety in their absence c) proactively alerts the care team on adverse incidents.

Contact: Aparna Pujar, Founder and CEO,  aparna@zemplee.com, www.zemplee.com


Nuron is a pioneering platform that is transforming and accelerating drug development with the help of AI Bots. The platform automates daily tasks of scientists, engineers, and medical professionals working in all phases of drug development, including drug discovery, process development, manufacturing, clinical affairs, and medical affairs. With the use of advanced AI, data, and automation technologies, Nuron automates knowledge search, analysis, report creation, and deployment of predictive machine learning.

Nuron has been widely recognized by some of the largest pharmaceutical companies as an "unprecedented platform" that has the potential to reduce the time and cost of different phases of drug development by 20-50%. Even a 10% reduction in the 15-year cycle of new drug development can lead to a significant reduction in the prices of new drugs by 40-60%, without impacting the profitability of pharma companies. This could also save millions of lives by making essential medicines more affordable and accessible.

The potential impact of Nuron on the drug development industry cannot be overstated. By streamlining the drug development process, Nuron has the potential to bring more lifesaving drugs to market faster, and at a lower cost, ultimately benefiting patients, the pharmaceutical industry, and society at large.

Contact: Nitin Kumar, CEO, nitin@nuron.io, www.nuron.io


Choix was the first US based company to offer asynchronous abortion care when we opened our virtual doors in California in 2020. Despite increasing challenges for providers of abortion care, we have continued to provide care for thousands of patients since the fall of Roe. All of our care is evidenced based and conducted via medical questionnaires and over text access with medical providers. We partnered with - and continue to partner with - researchers at UCSF to provide data on our patient outcomes. We have an ongoing relationship with UCSF via the CHAT Study as well.  Our data utilized in JAMA was part of the first published data in the US on fully remote care and utilized by the FDA as part of its review of the REMS on Mifepristone.

Contact: Cindy Adam, CEO, cindy@choixhealth.com, www.choixhealth.com


DocSpera is a surgical coordination and workflow automation platform. The platform supports over 150K patients monthly and over 350 integrated hospitals and ASCs. The goal of DocSpera is to enable seamless and automated coordination in the preoperative process from the surgical diagnosis to the day of surgery thereby reducing burnout, increasing efficiency, and improving patient outcomes and experiences. The platform supports three key products: Integrated surgical scheduling, which supports providers in managing preoperative coordination, Intelligent Scheduler, which reduces backlog and cancellations, and SmartSync, which automates implant coordination between providers and medical devices.

Contact: Samuel Ethiopia, CEO, Samuel@docspera.com, http://docspera.com


Acqueon is a customer engagement firm specializing in outbound use cases for B2C enterprises including the largest hospital systems and healthcare payors in the United States. Our Conversational Engagement Platform integrates with a Provider or Payor’s existing contact center, HER and/or CRM solution to drive revenue, retention and compliance adherence through intelligent outbound campaigns.  We’re laser focused on enabling proactive consumer engagement that drive two critical business outcomes for healthcare enterprises: revenue generation and revenue recovery.  To achieve these outcomes, enterprises need a platform that offers communication workflow automation, predictive analytics and AI, compliance and regulatory adherence, and the ability to integrate with existing communication infrastructure and systems of record.  Acqueon is the only platform proven to efficiently and intelligently help B2C enterprises achieve these goals, through outbound campaign and list management capabilities with built-in compliance adherence that seamlessly integrates with the organization’s existing consumer engagement tech stack.   To effectively engage with their patients and members, healthcare organizations use Acqueon to address two core personas in the engagement lifecycle. First, we help enterprises engage with customers on the right channel at the right time using our omnichannel Campaign Manager, Dialer & Customer Data Platform. The platform’s intelligence delivers a perfect balance of automation and personalization to increase "right party contact” rates and ultimately revenue outcomes. Second, agents (aka clinicians) using Acqueon see dramatic increases in performance, productivity & compliance scores. 

Contact: Ashish Koul, CEO, ashish.koul@acqueon.com, www.acqueon.com


Kintsugi is a flexible end-to-end behavioral health solution that harnesses the power of AI and free form speech to conduct mental health screenings at scale. With an API-first platform, we can embed into existing clinical workflows. When signs of depression are detected, we alert staff in real-time and provide scheduling options to behavioral health resources, yours or ours.


~ Healthcare Innvoation Startup Highlights: Open All Day! 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM PT ~