Generative AI in Healthcare

October 6, 2023 | Chapter Event

Our esteemed guests — Yauheni Solad, Marina Sirota, and Nigam Shah — will discuss strategies for the responsible use of Generative AI to decrease administrative burdens, facilitate efficient and transparent patient communications, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs. We will examine the critical importance of supporting and expanding open-source collaboration across the healthcare industry to foster open-source foundation models that maintain a balance between information openness, collaboration, and data security.

We will also cover the promising implications of Generative AI in drug discovery and repurposing, as well as the development of innovative models to support clinical diagnostic Generative AI role in molecular research. This session serves as a platform for thought leaders and interested parties to chart a path for the responsible use of Generative AI in improving healthcare, promoting collaboration, and driving patient-centric care.


  • Yauheni Solad, MD, MBA,CMIO, Digital Health, UC Davis Health
  • Marina Sirota, MS, PhD, Associate Professor, Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute,UCSF Health
  • Nigam Shah, MBBS, PhD, Chief Data Scientist, Professor of Medicine,Stanford Healthcare | Stanford University

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