Preventing and Recovering from Burnout

April 21, 2022 | Chapter Event

Preventing, healing and recovering from burnout is the single most impactful way to ensure you, your team, and your audience are able to continue serving the community, clients, circle of friends and loved ones—and themselves—to the fullness of their vision and capability.

In this burnout prevention session, you will learn, apply and study how to manage your thoughts to target the feelings, actions and results you want.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the drivers and symptoms of burnout that create the most frequent pain points experience by professionals.
  • Understand the importance of becoming aware of what you are thinking and discerning thoughts from literal circumstances.
  • Practice observing how thoughts cause feeling and ultimately directly create results.
  • Be able to summarize and apply the Thought Curation model in practice, real-life situations.

Life coach for leaders, Tarah Keech, is a burnout prevention and recovery expert with a Master’s degree in Clinical psychology and a resume of Fortune 500 consulting. In Tarah’s signature program, The Leader’s Coaching Mentorship, you get training and certification in professional coaching skills so you can be a better, happier, more fulfilled leader, and create the impact you want to see in the world with ease and joy!

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