Upstate Healthcare Cybersecurity Event

October 2, 2023 | Chapter Event

Networking, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing to Keep Healthcare Safe

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and the New York State HIMSS Chapter are hosting an event October 2, 2023, to discuss ways to prevent and deal with cybercrime attacks in healthcare. Networking, collaboration and knowledge sharing can help us all better understand cyber threats facing healthcare organizations, practical strategies and solutions to minimize the risk of attacks, and how to deal with attacks that may occur.

We will feature case studies about Upstate NY providers who have experienced cyber threats, expertise from companies who provide security solutions and services to prevent and deal with them, and community resources available to help us all.

As a result of this event, key stakeholders in Upstate NY will collaborate to strengthen security of the healthcare sector that cares for us and our families, and leading vendors will be able to showcase their expertise and connect with potential customers and partners in the region.

Registration fees

  • New Chapter Members: $10.00
  • Existing NYS Chapter Member $20.00
  • General Admission - Non-HIMSS NYS Chapter Members $30.00


Rochester Institute of Technology
1 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

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