National HealthIT Week (#NHITweek)



One Voice, One Vision: 9 Years of Transforming Health

Many of us may have encountered a medical situation where a family member or loved one’s life was saved by early detection, new drugs, or a new procedure. Contrary to these more obvious technological medical advances, health IT is quietly advancing medicine. Health IT—specifically electronic health records (EHRs)--improve the quality of healthcare delivery, increase patient safety, decrease medical errors, and strengthen the interaction between patients and healthcare providers.

National Health IT Week (NHIT Week) is a collaborative forum and virtual awareness week that assembles key healthcare constituents dedicated to working together to elevate the necessity of advancing health through the best use of information technology. With a projected 400 partners, NHIT Week brings this important cause to the forefront of the nation’s attention through local and regional events hosted by National Health IT Week Partners.



"Advocacy is not about one day on the Hill it is about every day in our communities."      David Kissinger, RN, President CSOHIMSS, 2014-2015



NHIT Week Ohio Caucus


(Pictured L to R) Rick Moore, Beverly Bell, RN, Senator Brown, David Kissinger, RN, Barbara Riddell, RN, John Dorsky, MD (#NHITWeek 2014)