Coordinate patient care seamlessly across all your sites.

maturity models
Exchange health information with ease

CCMM helps you assign responsibility for critical aspects of care coordination across leadership, clinicians, and technology teams.

  • Make health information exchange simple

    CCMM helps you compile patient data into a simple presentation with information across the care continuum—including acute settings, external providers, and community care.

  • Coordinate patient care between providers

    You’ll build integrated care plans that include multiple care pathways and protocols for chronic conditions and enable providers to share information between each protocol.

  • Advance your analytics and spot data gaps

    We’ll guide you in unifying longitudinal and financial data across your sites, and building systems that identify gaps in data across all care providers.

  • Improve patient engagement in care

    CCMM helps you enable patients to give consent for or deny care provider access to their medical records across the care continuum—so they’re in control of their data.

  • Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB used the HIMSS Continuity of Care Maturity Model in 2023 to get insight into the maturity of coordination of patient care across the continuum of our various care sites and providers within our region.

    Lisa Franklin

    Chief Digital Information Officer Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, United Kingdom

Your CCMM journey

Explore the stages of the CCMM implementation process and see how this solution will help you assess how you're coordinating patient care across multiple sites, providers and care settings.

  • Limited or no e-communication

    Your organization is engaged in EMRAM maturation, data is isolated and governance is informal and undocumented.

  • Basic peer-to-peer data exchange

    There's limited shared care plans outside your organization. You leverage third-party reference resources, basic alerts are in place, and some externally generated data is incorporated into the patient record.

  • Patient-centered clinical data using basic system-to-system exchange

    Patient records are available to multidisciplinary internal and tethered care teams. EMR exchange occurs on a limited basis, immunization and disease registries are available for all patients, and patient-centered clinical data presentation exists.

  • Normalized patient record using structural interoperability

    Your organization has multiple entity clinical data integration and regional/national PACS. Electronic referrals and consent are in place, telemedicine is being used, and there's aggregated clinical and financial data.

  • Care coordination based on actionable data

    Shared care plans track and update task coordination with alerts and reminders. E-prescribing is used, pandemic tracking and analytics are in place, and all care team members have access to all appropriate data.

  • Community-wide patient records using applied information

    Your organization utilizes community-wide patient records with integrated care plans and biosurveillance. Patient data entry, personal targets and alerts are available, and patient data is aggregated into a single cohesive record.

  • Closed-loop care coordination across care team members-driven technology investing

    Dynamic intelligent patient records track closed-loop care delivery and multiple care pathways/protocols for each patient, along with patient compliance tracking.

  • Knowledge-driven engagement for interconnected healthcare delivery model

    Completely coordinated care across all care settings and integrated personalized medicine. Near real-time care community-based health records and patient profiles are available, and national and local policies are aligned.

Talk to an expert about our maturity models

There's a HIMSS maturity model for everyone, and each model classifies a dimension of your digital health from Stages 0 to 7. Your system’s future starts right here.


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