Build a foundation for better operations and outcomes through an evidence-based framework.

maturity models
Fix your foundation, support your clinicians

INFRAM gives you an outcomes-based framework for your tech investments and helps you build infrastructure that lasts.

  • Measure your infrastructure against industry standards

    You’ll get a straightforward assessment of your infrastructure maturity, so you can gain organization-wide buy-in for digital transformation projects.

  • Tackle your C-suite’s infrastructure goals

    INFRAM equips your leadership with a roadmap for the adoption of a new tech foundation, supporting everything from revenue to patient experience.

  • Cut your system’s carbon footprint

    We’ll give you an evidence-backed view of your decarbonization and adaptability efforts, so you can reach total carbon neutrality.

  • Codify all your cybersecurity policies

    INFRAM helps you develop a data security strategy, deploy AI threat monitoring, and develop response plans for ransomware attacks.

  • Support busy clinicians with technology

    Our framework helps you turn your technology investments into real, tangible improvements for clinicians.

  • Make change management simpler

    You’ll get vendor-agnostic guidance on the infrastructure your system needs and action items to improve operations.

  • INFRAM was an opportunity for Samsung to take it to the next level with infrastructure.

    Meong Hi Son

    Chief Medical Information Officer, Samsung Medical Center

Your INFRAM journey

Explore the stages of the INFRAM implementation process and see how this solution will lead you to a long-lasting digital health framework.

  • No formal security policies in place

    Your organization lacks essential security components like VPNs, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and a well-defined data center.

  • Establishing governance

    Lay the groundwork by defining policies, roles and responsibilities for managing your health IT infrastructure.

  • Creating security policy foundations

    Develop robust security policies to safeguard your systems against threats and ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • Assessing risks and asset management

    Evaluate risks associated with your infrastructure and manage assets effectively to optimize performance.

  • Finding redundant campus and wide area networks

    Identify and streamline redundant networks within your organization to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

  • Mobile integration and implementing advanced firewalls

    Seamlessly integrate mobile technologies while implementing advanced firewalls to protect data and maintain security.

  • Outcome-driven technology investing

    Align health tech investments with measurable outcomes, focusing on patient care, clinician efficiency, and operational improvements.

  • Utilizing advanced analytics and cybersecurity

    Leverage analytics for insights and enhance cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical health data.

Talk to an expert about our maturity models

There's a HIMSS maturity model for everyone, and each model classifies a dimension of your digital health from Stages 0 to 7. Your system’s future starts right here.


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