Digital Health

Finnish Digital Health Know-How Aims to Inspire at HIMSS22 Europe in Helsinki

Panoramic photo of HIMSS Expo showroom

Europe’s healthcare leaders will meet at the 2022 HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition in Helsinki, Finland, on 14-16 June. The Finnish Pavilion Programme at the event brings forward Finnish know-how on digital health and health data through inspiring stories.

HIMSS22 Europe, Europe’s most influential event for digital health, is a joint effort between HIMSS and Finnish partners. Public organisations from Finland, including the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, Business Finland and the City of Helsinki, as well several ministries, organisations and cities have joined forces to support HIMSS22 and The Finnish Pavilion Programme.

With dozens of company stands, The Finnish Pavilion exhibition area is a showcase of Finnish expertise in digital health for the international audience.

The Finnish Pavilion Programme runs nonstop throughout the conference and centers around four major themes. The most significant theme is health data and how that data can reshape clinical practices.

Dr. Antti Iivanainen, Development Director, Oy Apotti Ab, is one of the speakers on the health data theme. On stage with Dr. Iivanainen are Finnish companies such as Reaktor, BeeHealthy, Terveystalo, BCB Medical, Predicell and Duodecim, sharing their examples of applying health data to solve real-life problems.

In addition to health data and its applications, the Finnish Pavilion Programme sheds a light on active and healthy ageing and tools to promote it as well as on how the world’s smartest hospitals are built and made pandemic-safe in the future as well.

The stage is hosted by Finnish author and podcaster Lotta Backlund.

Finnish Pavilion Programme

Wednesday 15 June

10:30-15:00 - How data-based innovations reshape healthcare

Keynote by Dr. Visa Honkanen, Development Director, HUS Helsinki University Hospital


  • Value-based healthcare in practice in Finland. Cases and examples by the City of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland, together with BCB Medical and Monidor.
  • Managing information overload for doctors while increasing patient value. Johannes Ahlqvist, Specialist, Heath Data at Sitra interviews Dr. Elina Pimiä and Dr. Rasmus Latvala.
  • From patient to customer: electronic health records helping to bridge the gap. Dr. Antti Iivanainen, Development Director at Apotti and Mikael Rinnetmäki, Founder, Sensotrend.
  • Developing digital health services in the private sector – takeaways for the public sector. Cases from Reaktor, BeeHealthy and Terveystalo.

15:00-16:30 - How to support active and healthy ageing

Speakers: Maritta Haavisto, Service District Director, the City of Helsinki and Heidi Anttila, KATI programme lead, Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare

Panel discussion with Ainone, Medanets and Navigil, moderated by Saara Hassinen, CEO at Healthtech Finland.

Thursday 16 June

10:00-11:00 - Pandemic-safe indoor solutions – presenting the E3 project and ecosystem

11:40-13:00 - Building the smartest hospitals in the world

Hear the stories behind the newest and smartest Finnish hospitals in Oulu, Turku and Helsinki. Featuring Dr. Leena Setälä, Dr. Pekka Lahdenne and Teemu Kemilä.

13:00-14:30 - Leading a healthy life amidst pandemics

A panel discussion with university researchers and companies with products to boost the immune system of the individuals.

Learn more about the Finnish Pavilion Programme at HIMSS22 Europe.

2022 HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition

The 2022 HIMSS European Health Conference & Exhibition brings the European healthcare community back together in Helsinki, Finland, from 14 to 16 June 2022.

Join us in Helsinki

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