Digital Health

Germany’s Digital Health Strategy to Improve DigitalRadar Assessments

A clinical registrar reviewing a patients test results, looking at some information on a large monitor with some other doctors.

One of Germany’s key digital health strategies is to improve hospital scores on DigitalRadar, according to a recently unveiled Digitisation Strategy for Health and Care by Germany's Federal Ministry of Health. DigitalRadar is a digital maturity model established by the ministry in partnership with HIMSS and other research and advisory partners. 

By the end of 2025, the strategy plans for 50% of all hospitals funded under the Hospital Future Fund to increase their digital maturity by at least two levels in at least two categories of the DigitalRadar benchmark. No other country has such a comprehensive database on the degree of digitisation of its hospital landscape. The Hospital Future Fund is a financial instrument covered in the national plan of the Recovery and Resilience Facility. 

DigitalRadar’s early assessments placed Germany’s hospitals in midfield on the global stage. An analysis of digital maturity by more than 1,500 German hospitals found they achieved the highest marks on structures and systems but patient participation and telehealth revealed the most room for improvement.  

The DigitalRadar consortium, which includes HIMSS, carried out the evaluation on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry of Health. A few current movements are pushing Germany toward digitisation of its healthcare system: DigitalRadar, nationwide developments in reimbursable health applications, and the rollout of electronic patient records for holders of statutory health insurance.

The Digitisation Strategy for Health and Care was created following a comprehensive six-month period of collecting and analysing more than 500 public submissions collected through an open consultation process. The strategy aims to improve the quality, efficiency and safety of healthcare in Germany through digital technologies. 

Additional Information 

Learn more about the Hospital Future Act. 
Watch the HIMSS TV Interview with Prof. Jörg Debatin, Chairman of Germany’s Health Innovation Hub. 
Visit the DigitalRadar Consortium Website (in German). 

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