HIMSS Stands in Solidarity With the Community of Asian Descent Around the Globe

HIMSS condemns all acts of racism and xenophobia, including violence against the AAPI community in the U.S. and against the community of Asian descent around the globe. 

We must stand up for all individuals regardless of race, creed or national origin. We will never tolerate a world in which any community feels abandoned, misrepresented or susceptible to acts of malice. We owe it to our staff, members, communities and everyone everywhere to condemn these acts of violence, which represent a blatant disregard for basic human rights.

As a mission-driven member association dedicated to transforming the health ecosystem, HIMSS strives to build a global collaborative that promotes health and wellness, and to amplify diverse voices and perspectives. In 2019, we launched the HIMSS Global Health Equity Network to accelerate diversity and inclusion to improve healthcare access and delivery, create an inclusive workforce, decrease disparities in underrepresented groups, and advocate for true health equity for all.

Read the full HIMSS statement.

If you have questions or would like to work with HIMSS to build safer global communities, reach out to us at ghen@himss.org. For more resources, and to take action, visit StopAAPIHate.org.

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