Stanford Medicine Earns Davies Award for Thoughtful Application of AI and Telehealth

HIMSS is proud to recognize Stanford Medicine as a 2023 HIMSS Davies Award recipient.

Based in Palo Alto, California, Stanford Medicine serves as a teaching setting for the Stanford University School of Medicine, while providing care for patients in the San Francisco Bay area and beyond.

Stanford Medicine often treats medically complex patients with high acuity.

Stanford Medicine submitted a series of case studies demonstrating the thoughtful application of artificial intelligence and telehealth modalities to provide more timely and higher quality access to care to patients across multiple care settings, resulting in improved quality outcomes.

Stanford Medicine Case Studies

“Achieving the HIMSS Davies Award is such an honor, as it reflects the successful partnerships throughout Stanford Health Care that enable health information technology to transform patient care,” said Dr. Michael Pfeffer, chief health information officer at Stanford Medicine. “I am so proud of the professionals in our health information technology organization that push the boundaries of IT through collaborative and creative thinking and dedication to our mission.”

HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence

The Davies Awards program promotes the HIMSS vision and mission by recognizing and highlighting use cases, model practices and lessons learned on how to improve health and wellness through the power of information and technology. Showcasing healthcare delivery systems, physician practices, community health organizations, long term and post-acute care sites and public health organizations, the HIMSS Davies Award shares evidence-based case studies that are driving the reform of the global healthcare ecosystem through the power of information and technology.

HIMSS Davies Awards

The HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence showcases healthcare organizations that demonstrate globally innovative, thoughtful applications of information and technology to drive and redefine evidence-based best practices so that others can learn, adapt and improve population health and patient outcomes.

Begin Your Path to a Davies Award

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