Denizli Agiz Ve Dis Sagligi Hastanesi in Turkey achieves Outpatient EMR Adoption Model Stage 6

Denizli Agiz Ve Dis Sagligi Hastanesi in Turkey achieves Outpatient EMR Adoption Model Stage 6

HIMSS Analytics® announced today that Denizili Dental Hospital has achieved the HIMSS Analytics Outpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (O-EMRAM) Stage 6, an international benchmark for the use of advanced IT to improve patient care.

The HIMSS Analytics Outpatient Electronic Medical Record Adoption Model (O-EMRAM) incorporates methodology and algorithms to score clinics on the maturity of their EMR environments. This eight-stage (0-7) model is intended for clinics where there is an encounter between a caregiver and a patient, and the caregiver is licensed to assess, diagnose, treat, prescribe and generate orders and documentation. The O-EMRAM tests for clinician documentation, including orders, e-prescribing, patient engagement and population health analytics.

Denizli Dental Hospital has met all the O-EMRAM Stage 6 requirements. The Stage 6 validation visit was led by John Rayner, Director of HIMSS Analytics in Europe and Latin America  and the HIMSS Turkey team from Istanbul Medipol University. At the end of the validation visit, our dental hospital became the first hospital in Turkey that has O-EMRAM Stage 6. 

The Turkish Ministry of Health aims to achieve digital transformation in dental hospitals across the country. Denizli Dental Hospital has been chosen as a pilot hospital for O-EMRAM studies, and the hospital management board has initiated preparation studies which are aligned with the targets of the Ministry of Health. 

Dr İlgin Revna KAYTAN Hanım, Director of Denizli Dental Hospital, said: “First, we developed several decision support systems to increase patient safety, and support dentists in their diagnosis, examination, treatment plan, and consultation processes. Secondly, we focused on the dissemination of the e-Pulse system (the national mobile EHR system) among the patients. As a result of all such studies, our hospital is awarded O-EMRAM Stage 6 as the first dental hospital in Turkey. 

“We do believe that O-EMRAM requires many functions in hospitals which are very beneficial for increasing patient safety and healthcare quality, as well as the patient and personnel satisfaction.” 

John Rayner, Director of HIMSS Analytics in Europe and Latin America, said: Denizli Agiz Ve Dis Sagligi Hastanesi made significant progress following the onsite Stage 6 O-EMRAM gap assessment earlier in the year. The staff in this Dental Hospital were very familiar with this intuitive well set out clinical information systems and had been using it for approximately 5 years. The use of a graphical interface of the teeth made it easy for the Dentists and the technicians to document care. We saw some good examples of structured data rather than free text making analytics and reporting so much easier. The hospital established a ‘HIMSS Committee’ to oversee the Stage 6 preparatory work and the validation programme. I suspect that this formal approach to understanding and then fulfilling the Stage 6 standards significantly contributed to their success on the day. A genuine paperlite hospital, in which all care providers are documenting in the clinical system and using it to good effect. Very well done.





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