HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf Appointed to WHO Digital Health Technology Advisory Group and Roster of Experts

HIMSS President and CEO Hal Wolf with healthcare experts at HIMSS Global Conference

Congratulations to HIMSS President and CEO, Hal Wolf, for his recent appointment as a member of the Digital Health Technology Advisory Group (DHTAG) and addition to the Roster of Experts, under the World Health Organization (WHO).

The Advisory Group will work with the WHO Digital Health Department, recently established to harness the power of digital health technologies to improve health on a global scale.

Hal will sit along a select group of candidates coming from various areas related to digital health, such as strategic approaches, areas for intervention, and governance structures for regulations and adoption of digital health solutions and products. The advisory group will work to provide high-level global strategic advice and support to the WHO Secretariat on the organization’s digital health vision and strategy. Members will also help review the digital health frontier landscape and advise the WHO Secretariat on possible effective new areas for intervention in that subject.

Members were selected for the roster and advisory group given their global expertise and recognized outstanding record of achievements in their own field, along with an understanding of and proven interest in digital health technologies.

Members serve in individual capacity and do not represent institutions.

The outstanding appointments lends Hal’s expertise to the important work to reform the global health ecosystem through the power of information AND technology, and supports our increasing engagement with the WHO.

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