Fahad Bin Dayel

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Saudi Arabia.

Director of Applications & Health Informatics

Mr. Fahad Bin Dayel is the Director of Applications & Health Informatics at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre in Saudi Arabia. Having spent over 20 years in the healthcare industry, Fahad`s passion for healthcare shaped KFSH&RC’s EMR journey (Integrated Clinical Information Systems). Fahad`s commitment to world-class patient experiences led KFSH&RC to recognition as the first HIMSS Ambulatory EMRAM Stage 7 accredited organization outside North America. In 2019, KFSH&RC achieved the HIMSS Davies award, the highest recognition in Healthcare IT, through implementing the world’s largest smart room and other value-achieving projects. Mr. Bin Dayel holds a double BS in Nursing and Microbiology and a Masters in Health Information System Management from George Mason University.