A New Era for Digital Maturity: International Views from the Top

One of the main lessons learned from COVID-19 is the pressing need to accelerate the digital maturity of our health systems to continue improving the health and well-being of our citizens, while at the same time better protecting our workforces and building the resilience of health systems around the world beyond the current crisis. The collaboration of governments and territories, government agencies and the World Health Organization is needed now more than ever to exchange best practices and support the effective implementation of evidence-based digital health technologies and services. This session will engage top-level health leaders from around the world and highlight key elements of their national strategies to: promote clinical and consumer engagement, build a supportive policy environment, make the most of evidence and evaluation, strengthen cybersecurity and push the frontiers of interoperability.

Learning Objectives:

  • Take home lessons from India, the United Kingdom and Australia on the acceleration of digital transformation in response to COVID-19.
  • Understand the practicalities and benefits of greater interoperability and data sharing both within and between nations with the aim of improving health and care.
  • Learn how to engage clinicians and citizens in the design and implementation of evidence-based digital health technologies and services.

Attending this session will earn you Continuing Educational Credits for CAHIMS and CPHIMS as well as accreditation by the ICN and CPD. To apply for accreditation, please click here.

Session Details

September 7, 2020
4:50 PM - 5:30 PM


Dr. Meredith Makeham
Associate Dean, Community and Primary Health Care
University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Dr. Simon Eccles
CCIO for Health and Care