The Future Model of Senior Care

Today's seniors are worlds apart from previous generations. With an average life expectancy of 78.5, they are living longer and embracing technology like never before, with more than 75% of seniors owning a smartphone. As consumer expectations grow and the world faces a global pandemic, healthcare providers, caregivers, and families are turning to technology to address the challenges and costs associated with this large and unique cohort.

In this panel, experts from AARP and the American Telemedicine Association (ATA) will discuss the technologies and methodologies being implemented to help seniors engage with the healthcare system in new ways. From creating more personalized care to control costs, how will today’s digital healthcare system keep up with the demand of this growing demographic? It is also impossible to ignore the impact of COVID-19 on this group. As their care and has gone increasingly digital, innovators must embrace designing with these new users in mind. This session will uncover all the ways in which technology can give seniors the freedom to live the lives they want to live.

Session Details

September 29, 2020
1:10 PM - 1:40 PM


Joe Kvedar
Senior Advisor, Virtual Care
Mass General Brigham
Charlotte Yeh
Chief Medical Officer
Nancy Green
HIMSS Aging Taskforce
United States