Smart Cities, Healthier Communities

It’s been estimated that by the year 2040, 65% of the world’s population will be living in urban areas. To improve the quality of life in these cities, many are transforming into Smart Communities by providing interconnected services to digitally transform their environmental, economic, and social facets. Smart communities are no longer a futuristic aspiration, but a pivotal piece in modernizing and improving quality of life, and it’s this foundation of smart living that will accelerate virtual healthcare.

This session brings together experts at the city and federal levels with first-hand experience planning and implementing smart city initiatives, as well as research looking at the consumer perspective. Our panelists will not only discuss the latest in sensors and devices, but will look beyond the tech to consider how the larger issues of disparities, bias, and access are being addressed to create equitable healthcare access within smart communities. How can we involve communities to co-design care and ensure that no individual is left behind?

Session Details

September 29, 2020
2:05 PM - 2:35 PM


Sokwoo Rhee
Associate Director of Cyber-Physical Systems Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Skip Newberry
President and Chief Executive Officer
Technology Association of Oregon
Jennifer Kent
Senior Director
Parks Associates
United States
Robert Havasy
Senior Director
Personal Connected Health Alliance, HIMSS
United States