HIMSS + ANA Nursing Innovation: Artificial Intelligence Fireside Chat

The appropriate use of artificial intelligence (AI) in nursing practice supports and enhances the core values and ethical obligations of the profession. Systems and technologies that assist in clinical practice are adjunct to, not replacements for, the nurse’s knowledge and skill. Nurses must ensure that advanced technologies do not compromise the nature of human interactions and relationships central to the nursing profession.

Part 2 of 2: Expert panelists engage in a fireside chat. 


Session Details

November 18, 2020
3:50 PM - 4:30 PM


Kathleen McGrow
Chief Nursing Information Officer
Microsoft Health & Life Science Industry Team
Faye Sahai
Co-Founder and Partner
Mirai SV Global
Whende Carroll
Nurse Evolution
Anthony Chang
Chief Intelligence and Innovation Officer, Medical Director CHOC Heart Failure Program
United States