Start Small, Grow Big: Implementation Strategy for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

After attempts to scale up AI technology enterprise-wide at larger organizations sputtered, Tiffany D’Souza, clinical lead of the AI Lab and Clinical Innovation Fellow and Bryan Sadler, lead, AI Lab, both from The DICE Group at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, began applying a start small, grow big approach to wider success.

Following the inception of an idea, most med-tech groups find themselves faced with a similar conundrum, how does one introduce this technology to its users? As decisions by medical staff are often vital to the patients well being, AI is seen with amounts of hesitation from our users. Implementation strategies that ensure functional understanding of the integrated AI, helps not only with departmental buy-in but also the normalization of new technologies. This session will inspect our group's experience in implementing AI tools on both enterprise and departmental levels.

Session Details

December 1, 2020
12:00 PM - 12:24 PM


Bryan Sadler
AI Lab Lead
Jefferson University and Jefferson Health's, The DICE Group
United States
Dr Tiffany Dsouza
Clinical Lead of the AI Lab and Clinical Innovation Fellow
Jefferson University and Jefferson Health's, The DICE Group
United States