Looking Back at 2020 Threats, Trends and Incidents and What to Expect in 2021

When you’re doing everything you can to head off hackers, that last thing you want is a threat actor slipping in through the digital equivalent of an unlocked backdoor. Yet that’s likely to occur if you don’t have clear visibility into the current threat landscape. The H-ISAC is the global non-profit whose members share cyber threat intelligence and best practices with each other to make sure that doesn't happen.

In this session, H-ISAC President Denise Anderson joins Tom Leary, HIMSS's senior vice president of government relations, to review 2020 and in particular look at the types of malware and campaigns seen, the vulnerabilities exploited, and the impacts of third-party incidents on healthcare organizations.  Discussion will include mitigation measures, and what to expect in 2021.

Session Details

December 7, 2020
12:30 PM - 12:50 PM


Tom Leary
Senior Vice President, Government Relations
Denise Anderson
United States