HIMSS Security Basics: Network & Application Security

As cyberattacks increase in frequency, sophistication, and severity, application and network security must rise to the challenge, but with apps being churned out faster than most security teams can secure them, this is easier said than done.  

In this HIMSS Security Basics session, our speakers discuss the state of network and application security and share best practices – what’s worked for them – to mitigate risks to both. 

Key discussion points include:

  • Network segmentation
  • Firewall management
  • Zero Trust Architecture - Why Aren’t More Hospitals Using It?
  • Perimeter defenses
  • Intrusion detection
  • Clinical Risk Management

Organizations leverage IT networks as a core infrastructure to conduct business operations. Without networks, there would be no interoperability – a key to healthcare transformation. Networks and the apps that connect to them must be deployed securely to limit exposure to and the potential impacts of cyberattacks.

Session Details


Christopher Frenz
Assistant Vice President of IT Security
Mount Sinai South Nassau
United States
Omar Khawaja
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
Highmark Health
United States
Mike Miliard
Executive Editor
Healthcare IT News, HIMSS Media