CEO Perspective: Effective Cybersecurity as a Strategic Growth Enabler

Sentara Healthcare President and Chief Executive Officer Howard P. Kern has nearly 40 years of executive experience, spanning hospital, managed health insurance, ambulatory services, and healthcare finance leadership. Under his leadership, the non-profit organization has grown to become one of the largest employers in the Commonwealth of Virginia with 12 acute care hospitals, four regional medical groups, a health plan division, and an extensive network of ambulatory medical centers in Virginia and northeastern North Carolina.

In his keynote, Mr. Kern will share how he views cybersecurity risk management as it relates to achieving Sentara’s business, growth, and clinical goals. He'll describe Sentara’s process for determining risk tolerance – and, importantly, why cybersecurity is critical to his organization’s long-term success and for healthcare innovation and transformation.

Healthcare security leaders often struggle when it comes to communicating security risk management to the c-suite. In his keynote, Mr. Kern will explain how to bridge this communication divide, providing valuable insights to help security teams achieve greater satisfaction in their day-to-day work and better enable organizational goals.

Session Details

December 8, 2020
11:32 AM - 11:45 AM


Howard Kern
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sentara Healthcare