CISO & CIO - Partners in Arms: Balancing Security and Innovation

Today’s CIOs are tasked with driving business solutions faster than ever. Security, on the other hand, is still often perceived as creating obstacles or processes that make a user’s life more difficult.

That is not the case a Providence, one of the largest health systems in the United States. CISO Adam Zoller works hand-in-hand with CIO B.J. Moore to enable the organization’s vision to, among other things, simplify its tech stack and adopt a cloud-first strategy to enhance and simplify the clinician experience and move care out of acute care settings and into community clinics closer to patients. Moore calls this consumer-centric, clinician-focused strategy Health 2.0.

In this fireside chat, the duo will discuss their working relationship and what’s required for CISOs and CIOs to collabeffectively to achieve organizational goals.

Key discussion points

  • Aligning security with business strategy
  • Making remote workers more productive and secure than ever
  • Simplifying security and making it seamless and invisible to end-users
  • Becoming proactive with regulatory compliance
  • Securely expanding telehealth visits from 10 to 10,000 per day during COVID-19's disruptive early days

Session Details

December 8, 2020
11:46 AM - 12:20 PM


Adam Zoller
Chief Information Security Officer
BJ Moore
Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer
United States
Neil Patel
President, Executive Vice President
Healthbox, HIMSS