Quality Care

2022 HIMSS Davies Awards Submission Cycle Opens Sept. 15

two men and two women in masks speaking in the hallway

The 2021 HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence application cycle officially opens Sept. 15, 2021.

The Davies Award showcases healthcare organizations that have made strides to demonstrate global innovative and thoughtful applications of information and technology to drive and redefine evidence-based best practices so others can learn, adapt, and improve population health and patient outcomes.

The submission cycle closes Jan. 15, 2022, and finalists will be selected to receive a virtual site visit to review the case studies.

Eligible applicants can apply within the following categories: healthcare enterprises, ambulatory services, community health, long term and post-acute care and public health. HIMSS will provide a template to guide case study submissions that will detail the design and implementation governance of the project, guide the reader through the clinical workflow, and demonstrate how data is used to improve accountability for the standard of care and address care gaps. There is no cost to apply.

The 2022 HIMSS Davies Award winners will be recognized at the HIMSS Global Conference at a keynote session and Awards Gala. Case studies will be published on the HIMSS website, and Davies subject matter experts will be featured as speakers showcasing their work in multiple HIMSS content streams.

For more information, visit the HIMSS Davies Award of Excellence site or email jonathan.french@himss.org and arnol.simmons@himss.org.

HIMSS Davies Awards

The HIMSS Davies Award recognizes the thoughtful application of health information and technology to substantially improve clinical care delivery, patient outcomes and population health.

Begin Your Path to a Davies Award

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