How Digital Health Platforms Accelerate Digital Transformation

Advancing digital transformation is one of the biggest challenges seen yet by healthcare IT professionals.

Hundreds of established and startup saw developers are intent on bringing thousands of apps to help healthcare providers, putting further pressure on IT professionals to implement tens or hundreds of new applications to support their operational and clinical colleagues. This discussion examines how a digital health platform helps enable transformation at scale.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Brought to you by:



Steve Tsai
Senior Marketing Manager
GE Healthcare
Jens Dommel
Head of Healthcare EMEA
Amazon Web Services
David Labajo
Vice President
GE Healthcare Digital Sales
Felix Nensa
Full professor for Radiology with Focus on AI
University Hospital, Essen
Mathias Goyen
Chief Medical Officer EMEA
GE Healthcare Digital