Imagine Health and Care in 2050

What will healthcare look like in 2050? This session will explore a vision of the future of health and care which looks very different from the picture today. Experts will discuss where investment should go to create the technology-enabled and connected hospitals of the future. We will also examine the connection between home and hospital, with a focus on the potential for remote monitoring, precision medicine, population health and person-enabled health to aid predict and prevent disease. If implemented effectively, these measures could hold the key to reducing hospital admissions and relieve the burden on the healthcare system of the future. 


Learning outcomes:

  • Explore a vision for the future of health and care in 2050.
  • Discuss where investment should go to create the technology-enabled and connected hospitals of the future.
  • Learn about the future of at-home healthcare.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Supported by:


Prof Daniel Lasserson
Clinical Lead, Acute Hospital at Home
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom
Dr Gregory J. Moore
Corporate Vice President
Microsoft Health
United States
Dr Simon Wallace
Chief Medical Information Officer
United Kingdom
Dr Paul Garassus
UEHP European Union of Private Hospitals
Koen Kas
Healthcare Futurist, Researcher, Author, Founding CEO