From Patient Engagement to Patient Empowerment

The expectations and needs of global citizens in managing their health and wellness has advanced rapidly as an outcome of the pandemic, where every citizen was challenged to manage their health, and take steps to prevent the devastating effects of the COVID19 virus.  The engagement of patients in the digital transformation journey is rapidly shifting from the former focus on engagement of patients, towards the empowerment of patients to partner with clinician teams to manage their health and care, supported by  integrated digital tools and solutions, focused on proactive and preventive measures to support and sustain health and wellness. This session will focus on the empowerment of  patients and families, with a focus on shared care, personalised tools to track progress towards outcomes, and  co-design of digital solutions and transformation. With an emphasis on effective empowerment of patients as  active participants in their own health and placing them at the centre of all care decisions.

Session Details

June 16, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Supported by

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Dr Kaveh Safevi
Senior Managing Director, Consulting Global Health
United States
Mrs Begoña Nafria
Head of the Patient Engagement in Research and Innovation Group
Childrens Hospital San Joan de Deu, Barcelona
Mr Graham Prestwich
Public and Patient Engagement Lead
Yorkshire and Humber Academic Health Science Network
United Kingdom
Dr Anne Snowdon
Chief Scientific Research Officer
HIMSS Analytics