From Patients to Partners: How Digital Health is Changing the Doctor-Patient Relationship

The doctor/patient relationship is changing and evolving. Apps, wearables, home monitoring and other digital tools are empowering citizens to take greater control of their own health and wellness, but are patients and clinicians ready for this new paradigm? This session will present the patient perspective and explore their hopes and fears of the future. How can patients share their health data with confidence that privacy is protected? We will also examine the doctor’s point of view. How can large volumes of patient generated data be utilised without overwhelming clinicians? This session envisions a future in which precision medicine could allow doctors to offer highly personalised care and apps could be prescribed just as frequently as medicine. What training and professional development is needed in this era of the educated smart citizen? We will discuss what the new relationship between patient and doctor could look like and how to maintain the human touch in the face of technology.


Learning outcomes:

  • Explore what the patient/ doctor relationship of the future could look like.
  • Learn about patients’ hopes and fears around technology and data.
  • Understand the clinician’s viewpoint on how new health technology and large volumes of patient-generated data will impact the doctor/patient relationship.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Dr Javier Mendoza
MD, Gastroenterologist. Medical advisor
Birgit Bauer
Digital Health & Social Media Expert, Patient Expert, Journalist, Speaker
Manufaktur für Antworten UG
Ifan Evans
Executive Director, Strategy
Digital Health and Care Wales
United Kingdom
Koen Kas
Healthcare Futurist, Researcher, Author, Founding CEO