Behaviour Change: How Far Can Nations Go?

Health and wellness is big business and is increasingly becoming everyone’s business. New sectors are entering the healthcare space: encouraging us to adopt healthier lifestyles and behaviours and catering for the appetite to take greater control of our health. This is good news for struggling health services. Meeting the demand for care in the face of an ageing, better educated, Google-savvy, multi-morbid public is too much for healthcare to solve alone. A shift to prevention, involving collaborating with other sectors, governments, and citizens in a life course approach to health and wellbeing, is the way ahead. How do we leverage advances in AI, data and technology, to drive innovative public health interventions and techniques? How far can nations go to encourage and incentivise behavioural change and – with COVID-19 restrictions sparking protests across the world – where do you draw the line? Gathering an inspiring mix of panellists, this session will delve into these issues.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the need for digital solutions to support and enable behaviour change.
  •  Learn about examples of innovative data and technology-driven approaches to behaviour change, feature novel techniques such as gamification.
  • Recognise when public health intervention for the greater good risks overstepping the mark and intruding on individuals’ rights to freedom and privacy.

Duplex with Paris

Session in collaboration with the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

*This event is not organized by the French government. However, the organizer has been authorized by the French government to use the official logo of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Session Details

June 15, 2022
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Endorsed by

MIN Solidarites Sante
Logo of presidency


Dr Kristina Curtis
Senior Behaviour Change Consultant and Lecturer
UCL Centre for Behaviour Change
United Kingdom
Prof Agnès Buzyn
Executive Director
WHO Academy
Juhana Vartiainen
Mayor of Helsinki
City of Helsinki
Andrés Martín
Head of Health Services Innovation
AXA Next
Isabelle Kumar
Former Euronews anchor, Carer, Disability Rights Campaigner, President, Autisme, Ambition, Avenir, France
Koen Kas
Healthcare Futurist, Researcher, Author, Founding CEO