Setting European Hospitals on FHIR

This session will bring together subject matter experts from HL7 Europe to present about FHIR -Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources-, an interoperability standard for electronic exchange of healthcare information, alongside hospital professionals that will provide a user view on what FHIR means for their organizations, what is their experience with using it and why it matters in the long run. We will understand how FHIR can contribute to the European Health Data Space (EHDSs), to the data economy broadly as well as how it can accelerate achieving higher levels of digital maturity measured with the HIMSS maturity models. 


Learning Objectives:

  • Understand what FHIR implies, why hospitals should care about it and how to implement it faster. 
  • Learn how FHIR can accelerate the achievement of higher HIMSS Maturity Model scores.  
  • Discuss how to expand and scale up Hospitals of FHIR: how they can contribute to the uptake of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) and be ready for change management and an European exchange.

Session Details

June 16, 2022
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

Brought by:


Dr Riccardo Haupt
Scientific coordinator DOPO Clinic
IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Grahame Grieve
FHIR Product Manager
HL7 International
Mr Pekka Kahri
Technology Officer
HUS Helsinki University Hospital
Mikael Rinnetmäki
FHIR Ambassador
HL7 Finland
John Rayner
Regional Manager - EMEA
United Kingdom
Henrique Martins
Board Member
HL7 Europe
Catherine Chronaki
Secretary General
HL7 Europe Foundation