Tap Into HIMSS22 Digital Experience Guided by Ambassadors

Meet the HIMSS22 Digital Ambassadors who will help navigate, connect and interpret stories and information shared throughout the program.

HIMSS22 Digital is not an imitation but an enhancement to the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition in Orlando. HIMSS22 Digital provides attendees a unique opportunity to explore innovations that will drive the future of healthcare and find actionable plans at the intersection of care, technology and operational strategies to reach personal and organizational goals.

HIMSS22 Digital Ambassadors

Chris Dancy
Chris Dancy
Most Connected Man on Earth

Chris Dancy is touted as “the Most Connected Man on Earth,” and the world is watching those connections carefully. For 25 years, Dancy has served in leadership within the technology and healthcare industries, specializing in the intersection of the two. Dancy entered the public dialog concerning digital health as the media started to focus on wearable technology. He earned his moniker by utilizing up to 700 sensors, devices, applications, and services to track, analyze and optimize his life — from his calorie intake to his spiritual well-being. This quantification enables him to see the connections of otherwise invisible data, resulting in dramatic upgrades to his health, productivity and quality of life.


Lucien Engelen
Lucien Engelen 

Through his small company Transform.Health, Lucien Engelen operates at the convergence of innovation and strategy for executive boards, governments, corporates and professionals. He holds a (part-time) role as Edge Fellow for the Deloitte Center for the Edge (Amsterdam, Melbourne and San Francisco), Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, Laurentius Medical Center Roermond, HIMSS and is Faculty at Exponential Medicine (since 2011) at Singularity University in Silicon Valley.


Rachel Kopczyk
Rachel Kopczyk
Reporter, TV Host, Copywriter, Content Producer

If Rachel Kopczyk was not an on-camera host, she would be an on-camera host. At eight years old, she went to summer camp, for reporters! That camp in Chicago set her on an incredible journey as a TV host. That’s what Kopczyk does today. She’s an on-camera host, reporter and producer. One day she’s interviewing business mogul Mark Cuban and the next it’s NHL All-Star Sidney Crosby. Kopczyk is a “host of everything” and covers the Shooting Sports Industry, Medical Field, Security Management Industry, Risk Insurance, Automotive Engineering, NHL and more!


Kate Milliken
Kate Milliken
Milligrace Productions

Kate has worked in television for more than 15 years, off camera as a producer for The View and VH-1 and as a correspondent in alternative sports (such as snowboarding, mountain biking and monster trucks) where she worked for Fox Sports NET, TNT, TNN the Outdoor Life Network and Oxygen. Her focus changed to healthcare as a result of an MS diagnosis in 2006. Milliken saw a need for personal storytelling, showcasing people who are immersed in the healthcare system because of illness, as well as feature professionals in healthcare to document their progress and progress in calibrating technology, clinical regulations and humanity. Millican has served as an anchor at numerous HIMSS events and has produced shows for HIMSS.TV, including When it Works (where doctors and patients talk about shared success, together) and the Alessi Agenda (featuring HIMSS Chief Clinical Officer Charles Alessi).


Reimagine Health: HIMSS Global Health Conference

March 14-18, 2022

Join changemakers at HIMSS22—in person and digitally—as we reimagine health together through education, innovation and collaboration.

Reimagine with us at HIMSS22

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