Prof Nick Guldemond

Professor Healthcare and Public Health
Leiden University Medical Center

Dr. Guldemond is associate professor Integrated care and technology at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management at the Erasmus University and holds a degree in medicine and electric engineering. During his career in he worked as a clinical researcher on various clinical and biotechnological research projects and was involved in international programs regarding clinical innovation and medical technology, for which he obtained prestigious research grants. As founder and CEO of the first (2004) hospital based open innovation living lab (Medical Field Lab), he received great international acknowledgement for creating business through public private partnerships. He is a key expert on eHealth and integrated care for various international organisations such as WHO Global eHealth Observatory, EU Programmes as Knowledge Innovation Community (KIC) Health and KIC Digital, EU4Dgital, Ambient Assisted Living, and the Innovative Medical Device Initiative. He is advisor on eHealth and healthcare transformation for various national/regional organisations in Europe and internationally (e.g. Brazil, China, Russia, Iran) as well as multinational companies in Food/Pharma (Sanofi, Roche, Novartis, Genzyme, Danone), Medtech (Philips, Medtronic, Siemens, COCIR), health IT (Microsoft, Ascom, Ortec, Vodafone) and finance (Rabobank, Natwest, RBS). Dr. Guldemond was architect of the national eHealth implementation research agenda and the big data alliance as well as program director eHealth on behalf of the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU). He is coordinator of the European initiative Healthy and Active Ageing.