Prof Anne Moen

University of Oslo

Anne Moen, RN, PhD, FACMI, FIAHSI is full professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, and adjunct Professor, Norwegian Center for eHealth Research, Tromsø, Norway. Her program of research seeks to better understand digital citizens centered services, based on opportunities to “collect, curate and control” all relevant, personal health information. To do so, she combines in-depth insights in healthcare with design and deployment of accessible, user-empowering ICT-solutions, emphasizing citizen empowerment, digital health literacy and overall engagement for health and wellness.

Professor Moen is the Coordinator of “Gravitate – Health: Empowering and Equipping Europeans with Health Information from trusted sources for active, safe, secure personal health management and adherence to treatment” Innovation Medicine Initiative Public-Private Partnership(project 945334, IMI2 JU, 2020-2025). Gravitate-Health’s mission is to prepare and test innovative, easy-to-use elegant digital services that actively engage and empower citizens and their support network with access to and understanding of health information from trusted sources. More information is available at

Professor Moen served as EFMI representative in EU eHealth stakeholder group (2015 – 2019), and was rapporteur for special focus on “Citizens – health data”. She was elected to ACMI (American College of Medical Informatics) 2015, is a founding fellow of IAHSI (International Academy for Health Sciences Informatics) 2017, and Honorary Fellow of EFMI 2019.