Birgit Bauer

Digital Health & Social Media Expert, Patient Expert, Journalist, Speaker
Manufaktur für Antworten UG

Birgit Bauer, Social Media & Digital Health Expert, Journalist, Speaker and Analyst and Patient Expert, Germany.

Birgit works with a Business Partner in the company, the Manufaktur für Antworten UG ( Birgit works as Social Media and Digital Health Expert, Journalist and Speaker with a more than 17 years’ experience and a specialisation in Patient Communication. As an Expert she designs Social Media – and Communication Strategies for notable Clients from Industry, academia, NPOs, NGOs and start-ups etc. 

She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2005 and is Patient Expert since 2007. She is one of the most influential Blogger about Multiple Sclerosis and Healthcare in Europe. Her Blog: “Fast normal! Mein Leben mit MS” – “Almost normal – My Life with MS” . She supports the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform voluntary, held a mandate from 2017 to 2019 as Co-lead (PCWP = Patient and Consumer Working Party) of the Digital Media & Health Topic Group at the European Medicines Agency, is a member of the Editorial Board of the “Data Saves Lives” Initiative and is involved in different Advisory Boards, Committees and Focus Groups. She is a Co-Author of different scientific Whitepapers and Publications around the theme “Patient – Doctor Communication”. She is also a member of the stakeholder group of the TEHDAS project and works in the Gravitate Health User Advisory Group. 

Digital Health is one of the most important themes for Birgit. Therefore she became a social entreprenneur additionally and founded her own Non-for-profit organisation in January 2022, the european digital health academy which aims to explan digital health in a very understandable way to lay public, especially patients who need to understand the advantages of digital health solutions. At the moment she is working to establish the tools and bring edha to life.

HIMSS Future50 Leader - Class of 2021