Dr Michel Silvestri

Head of Unit
Swedish eHealth Agency

Dr Michel Silvestri is Head of Unit at the Coordination Department of the Swedish eHealth Agency, which according to its government assignment aims to contribute to improved healthcare, social care and the country's health by pursuing the development of national e-health infrastructure and interoperability.

Michel received his doctorate in immunobiology from the Karolinska Institutet in 2000 and as Senior lecturer he held various positions such as Programme director for education, Regional Coordinator of clinical training, and Member of the Biosafety Committee at the Karolinska Institutet. In parallell Michel was for several years member of the Stockholm County Council and its Health and Medical Board as well as the Research and Development Committee.

During the years 2001-2007, Michel was President of the Swedish Institute of Biomedical Laboratory Science, and during the period 2018-2022 member of the Board of Directors of the Swedish Association of Health Professionals. Michel was also for some years head of the Medical Laboratory Centre of Gotland.
Currently Michel is the national representative in the executive boards of the EU projects X-eHealth and TEHDAS, as well as the Policy Board of the Nordic Health Data Commons project.

In summary, Michel has experience from Life Science and Healthcare, Higher Education and Research, Project Management, Public and Governmental Administration, Politics and Policymaking.