Dr Peter Gocke

Chief Digital Officer
Charite Berlin

Dr. med. Peter Gocke is a physician and worked as a radiologist for many years at the University Hospital in Essen. Already during this time he successfully digitized the radiology department of the university hospital. In 2004 he moved to the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) as CIO. Dr. Gocke was one of the driving forces behind the digital conversion of the UKE into a paperless hospital. Under his aegis, the UKE received the Medica Excellence Award in 2011 and was the first hospital in Europe to receive the HIMSS EMRAM Award Level 7, an award for the highest level of the complete conversion of a hospital to paperless working. In April 2017, he became the 1st Chief Digital Officer (CDO) in the German health care system and head of the newly created staff unit "Digital Transformation" at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin.