Mikael Rinnetmäki

FHIR Ambassador
HL7 Finland

Mikael searches for sustainable business models for digital health solutions as the founder of diabetes startup Sensotrend, advances interoperability between healthcare IT systems as the FHIR ambassador of HL7 Finland, advocates for patients’ access to high quality treatment as the chairman of the Regional Network of Diabetes Associations in Pirkanmaa, and seeks to advance the adoption of new technologies for diabetes treatment as the vice chairman of the Diabetes Unit of Sailab – MedTech Finland. He lives with type 1 diabetes and holds a M.Sc. in computer science.  Sensotrend makes life with diabetes easier by combining data from dozens of medical devices and wellness trackers, visualizing the information and facilitating sharing it with healthcare professionals and peers. Sensotrend is one of the first health related use cases in the Gaia-X network, a winner of the Fair Health Data Challenge by Sitra, and a founding member of the MyData Global organization. 

Mikael is happy to share experiences from a FHIR Integration Project organized by HL7 Finland where more than a dozen apps were integrated with more than a dozen electronic health record systems.