Nursing Informatics Workshop

This Nursing Informatics Workshop will explore the emerging role of Nursing Informatics within both the Nursing and Informatics Workforce; this will be achieved through the exploration of several key areas of work that both Nursing Informatician specialists and non-specialists undertake to lead on the delivery of both a Data and Information Healthcare. The workshop will be delivered through a small number of modules that are designed to introduce some of the key concepts with respect to Nursing Informatics through the use of lectures, interactive group work with objective to allow participants to take away from the workshop to further build on to support the delivery of Nursing Informatics locally.


  • Introductions (15 Mins)
  • Overview of Nursing Informatics including key concepts (30Mins)
  • Maximise the use of Data and Information by Nurses through the use of Standards and Terminology (1hr 15 Mins)
  • The role of Clinical Decision Support to ensure the delivery of Evidence Based Nursing Practice (45 Mins)
  • Nursing Engagement and participation to maximise the use of Data and Technology to support the delivery of professional Nursing Practice (3 Hours)
  • The Role and Development of the Nursing Informatics within the Nursing Workforce (1 Hour)
  • Question and Answer with reflections from the day (45 Mins)

Session Details

September 26, 2022
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Mr Kevin Percival
Chief Nursing Informatics Officer
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust
United Kingdom