Sysmex Asia Pte Ltd

Sysmex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is a subsidiary of Sysmex Corporation of Japan.  In Asia Pacific, Sysmex is a market leader in the delivery and implementation of clinical IVD and digital health solutions and services for clinical laboratories, hospitals and healthcare organizations.  Our products and solutions continuously help improve patient clinical services and efficiency advances resulting in cost savings, which in turn translate to the delivery of better patient care.

Sysmex Digital Health solutions streamline the diagnostic data workflow. We specialise in solutions for pathology, laboratory and radiology services, clinical workflow as well as regional and national data repositories for notifiable disease, population health management and clinical care. Our priority is to make it easier for all health providers and users to access and use quality data, lab results and other diagnostic information to support timely patient diagnosis and care, from anywhere. 

Our digital health R&D is inspired by continual innovation, cloud transformation, health information standards and security, plus sophisticated interoperability through FHIR based APIs.

The Sysmex Digital Health team is excited to be at HIMSS APAC 2022, and welcome all delegates to visit our booth so we can learn more about the challenges you are facing in digitising your diagnostics and population health data, and how we can co-design solutions to advance your organisation.