The HealthTech Network's Innovation Forum

This forum will discuss opportunities, enablers, and challenges in building sustainable digital health ecosystems; by bringing together perspectives across the board. We will not only hear from the demand side, understanding what hospitals, regulators and investors are looking from digital heath ecosystems; but also gain insights from supply side, what opportunities and roadblocks they see in scaling ecosystems, and how they are innovating to bring best of digital healthcare to citizens across the region.

The session will also cover insights on topics, including (but not limited to): digital health consumer sentiment in the region; growth opportunities for digital health providers; accelerators and challenges of adoption of digital health; and potential economic value pools that can be unlocked through adoption of digital health technologies. 

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand key demand-side environments: hospitals´and Governments’  strategies, challenges and expectations.
  • Provide guidance, lessons learned and inspirational tips on how providers and innovators can work collaboratively. 
  • Learn from innovative solutions in different areas and how impact has been delivered to providers

Session Details

November 19, 2022
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM


Mr Fodhil Benturquia
CEO and Founder
Okadoc Technologies FZ LLC
United Arab Emirates
Fares Ghandour
Saudi Arabia
Ali Hashemi
Co-Founder and Chairman
United Arab Emirates
Ms Jailan Yousri
E-Business Manager
Cleopatra Hospitals Group
Dr Mohammed Alhamali
Director of Innovation and Business Development
Digital Health Center of Excellence, Ministry of Health
Saudi Arabia
Ali Ustun
Partner. Public Sector, Healthcare and Life Sciences / Digital & Analytics
MCkinsey and Company
United Arab Emirates
Martin Lascano
Medical Informatics, Nephrology Consultant, Medical Subspecialties Institute
Cleveland Clinic
United Arab Emirates
Prof Mahmood Adil
Advisor to H E Minister of Public Health (Qatar) & Clinical Data & Digital Lead (RCPE, UK)
Ministry of Public Health (Qatar) & Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (UK)
Bruce Steinberg
Managing Director & Executive Vice President, International
United Kingdom