HIMSS Middle East Community Event: Inter-Regional Mapping of eHealth Adoption

Healthcare and IT leaders have a strategic framework to advance the digital transformation of their health systems, but the Middle East is a region composed of different countries with different national structures and different levels of maturity and adoption of ehealth. This session, brought by the newly created HIMSS Middle East Community, will look at the inter-regional landscape and provide a space for brainstorming and discussion on advancing healthcare ecosystems across the Middle East and how to work collaboratively to achieve the same goals towards digital transformation. Get to learn more about this Community and join to share knowledge, expertise, insights, collaboration across borders, and foster innovation both individually and collectively.


Learning objectives: 

  • Understand the scope and mission of the HIMSS Middle East Community and how it can help professionals in the region to enhance their careers in digital health
  • Provide insights on the different levels of implementation of digital health in the different countries of the Middle East
  • Work collaboratively and multidisciplinary to achieve the same goals towards digital transformation

Session Details

November 19, 2022
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM


Dr Najeeb Al-Shorbaji
President of MENAHIA
Middle East and North Africa Association of Health Informatics
Dr Tamara Sunbul
Medical Director of Clinical Informatics
John Hopkins Aramco Healthcare
Saudi Arabia