September 22 - 24, 2024
| San Antonio
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Dr Rania Mohell

IT Specialist- Alexandria Reginal blood transfusion center
Ph.D Alexandria University

Ph.D. in health informatics and M.Sc. in information technology from Alexandria University. Studied information technology and information science in the faculty of Arts - Alexandria University as an undergraduate, and have maintained a career in the IT field. Current role is IT specialist at the Alexandria Regional Transfusion Blood Center. In addition, to my work as specialist IT services at  Alexandria Plasma Fractionation Center in Egypt.

Work background as IT specialist with over 6 years of experience at Egypation Ministry of Health projects. lead several IT transformation projects throughout mty career. Most recently, I led commissioning of the IT infrastructure, Data center and systems for entirely ancillary clinical departments such as Blood Banks, Therapeutic Unit,Electronic Health Records for hematology patients and secure supply chain in pharmaceutical. Moreover,works for softwares develpoment as Back-end developer that enables service to provide to efficiently deliver high quality in digital health.

This is in addition to my academic role in postgraduate programs lecturer in health informatics at Sadat Academy for Management Science in Egypt. Iam also having a several scientific publications in health informatics and health IT.