

The Academic Alliance Internship Community has provided over 175 internship opportunities from approximately 85 Southern California-based healthcare organizations. In addition, over 190 students and 22 universities and community colleges received internship information and guidance from SoCal HIMSS, with the result being many SoCal HIMSS members qualifying for internship and employment opportunities.


Bridging the IT Workforce Gap: Emerging Health IT Leadership

SoCal HIMSS seeks to bridge the health IT workforce gap meeting healthcare organization demand for industry specific educated, trained, and experienced health information leaders and professionals. Our chapter membership provides a talent pool of over 2,000 HIT professionals. Emerging leaders and health IT specialists uniquely qualified to fill healthcare industry demand for highly skilled health IT workforce to accomplish your meaningful use project needs.

The purpose of this partnership is designed to augment the existing SoCal HIMSS Internship Program in the following three ways:

  1. Help build the HIT workforce needed to achieve meaningful use of electronic health records and other emerging technology tools;
  2. Expand opportunities for students, incumbent workers and others interested in HIT to obtain internships, jobs and build a network to advance their HIT careers; and
  3. Connect health organizations to qualified, well trained professionals to advance HIT initiatives.

Healthcare Organizations Seeking Health IT Talent
If your organization is interested in sponsoring an internship program,  or you are seeking highly qualified health information technology professionals, and wish to post your employment opportunities with HIMSS SoCal to meet your health IT resource needs please contact us at:

Individuals Seeking an Internship
We will be posting new internships on our Internship Board soon. (Note: HIMSS membership is required)

How long are the internships and when do they start?

Employment opportunities vary depending upon the host organization needs. They can range from 3-6 month non-paid short term projects to full time permanent paid positions depending upon the host organization needs.

How do the application, selection and placement processes work?

HIMSS SoCal and our healthcare organization partners seek candidates who are a good fit with the opportunities available from the host organizations. It is important that applicants follow the host specific application process related to each posting. Host organizations will have their own specific requirements for application. Qualified applicants will be contacted directly from the host organization to be offered interviews for open positions.

Who is eligible to apply?

Eligible candidates must be HIMSS SoCal members and can be from any one or combination of the four categories below:

  1. Candidates with health-related degrees, certificates or experience such as allied health, public health, nursing, health informatics, and information technology are especially welcome to apply.
  2. College graduates with health information related degrees.
  3. Health Information students enrolled in a 2-4 year accredited degree program.
  4. Experienced Health Professionals with administrative, clinical or technology backgrounds seeking re-entry and mid-career transitions into Health Information Technology roles.