Texas Advocacy Forum - Austin State Capital

February 26, 2024

On February 26th, the Texas HIMSS Advocacy team will be headed to the state capitol in Austin to talk with Texas legislators and staff to educate then on our healthcare and health IT priorities.

Our focus will be on the following initiatives:

  • Artificial Intelligence Federal and Texas Legislation
  • Chronic Disease Management as a result of disease, genetic disorders, congenital defects, allergies, occupational hazards and lifestyle factors
  • Digital health literacy, inclusion and access, ​basically being able to assist others in adopting digital health tools into their lives
  • Maternal health and wellness, including access to terminating a pregnancy
  • Substance use and behavioral health challenges, causing eating disorders, substance misuse, sleeping disorder, social isolation and poor hygiene
  • Workforce inclusion, ensuring that employees feel valued, involved and respected no matter their beliefs

The agenda will include

  1. Panel and Educational sessions on each these topics
  2. Visits with Texas legislatures and their staff
  3. Social sharing of what we learned from the day

You don’t need to be a HIMSS Member to attend, just a conscience citizen who cares about our great State of Texas and all humans’ rights to quality Healthcare.