6 Signs You’re Suited To A Career in Mental Health

Are you considering a career in mental health? You may already be displaying the tell-tale signs that working as a professional counselor could be your calling. 

So, whether you’re the go-to agony aunt in your circle of loved ones, you are naturally blessed with having people open up to you emotionally, or perhaps, your energetic aura is simply one that sets people at ease, a job as a therapist could be for you. 

Let’s discuss. 

Your Friends and Family Constantly Come to You For Advice

Are you that person in your circle that everyone seems to come to when they’re going through tough times? Maybe you’re just able to see things more clearly than others, or perhaps, you have a natural ability to provide rational, reasonable, and helpful advice in times when it’s needed most. 

But, whether you’re telling people what they want to hear, or giving them tough love – the truth is, you’re always the go-to when they need a shoulder to cry on. So, why not capitalize on that talent and make a living out of it? But, how much does a counselor make? Is it even worth following this challenging (and at times), emotionally taxing career path? Well, if your professional moves are money-driven, there’s good news – some would argue that becoming a mental healthcare professional can be one of the most high-paying jobs there is! 

People Instantly Feel Comfortable In Your Presence 

As a mental healthcare professional, you need to be able to put your patients at ease and have them feel cared for enough to divulge their secrets to you. 

Chances are, you are a natural caregiver. If that is the case, you may already be accustomed to acquaintances telling you how comfortable they feel around you. This is not a coincidence. Some holistic practitioners argue that different types of people emit different auras, energy, or vibrations. As the saying goes, vibes don’t lie. And, if people feel a sense of safety and comfort around you, it is likely because your energy is both warm and welcoming. Having this type of effect on people can help them feel calm, safe, and at peace. You can use this to your advantage as a professional therapist, by creating a space where your patients feel they can be vulnerable and open with you.

Complete Strangers Open Up To You Emotionally 

Not a professional therapist yet? In some ways, you may already be performing this emotional labor, even with people you’ve only just met. Admit it – at social gatherings, your main activity is having deep and meaningful conversations with everyone around you. And, far from being a chore, you enjoy it!

Apart from enjoying those emotionally vulnerable moments, however, the fact that you do this also demonstrates that you have a natural ability to draw out people’s dirty laundry, as it were. This skill is not a given. It means that you know how to ask the right questions, and how to poke and pry, to put it quite bluntly. This is not as negative as it sounds. Being inquisitive about others shows that you care and that you are empathetic about the well-being of people around you. This is another excellent reason you should become a counselor.

You Like Being Able To Help People 

If you’re an empath, it means, essentially, that you can really ‘feel’ what other people are feeling. Know someone who’s going through something rough? Likely, you’ll do all in your power to help them out. And, it’s not just because it’s the right thing to do. You genuinely love helping people.

Of course, as an empath, you need to make sure you’re not also taking on the trauma of others. This is especially true as a mental healthcare professional, where elements of secondhand trauma – also known as vicarious traumatization – can be a factor. But, if you’re able to give others emotional support while also staying mentally well yourself, a career as a psychologist could be your thing. 

You Can Stay Calm Under Pressure

Staying calm under pressure is essential to any profession. But virtually none more so than counseling. When your patients present with trauma and distress, you need to be able to maintain composure and stay calm. Able to stay cool in the face of pressure? A career as a mental health counselor could be for you.

Managing Stress Comes Naturally To You

Lastly, you need to be able to manage stress. Being able to regulate your stress hormones is a great skill to have regardless of your job, but is even more important when you are client-facing. If you’re able to do this, you are likely resilient enough to make mental health therapy your career.

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