South Carolina Health IT Day 2023

May 17, 2023 | Chapter Event




South Carolina Health Information Technology Day 2023

 Health Information Sharing to Improve Healthcare Delivery for all South Carolinians

Co-sponsored by SCHIMA, SCHA, and SCHIMSS

(event date May 17, 2023)


Session Slides and Recordings Posted Here

Advocacy Letter Writing Campaign Open until June 30, 2023



Date / Time

May 17

9:00am - 3:30pm


Session Slides and Recordings Posted Here

Advocacy Letter Writing Campaign Open until June 30, 2023



Thanks to speakers, sponsors, and all who contributed to making the day a great success!  As promised, we are providing the presentation slides and recordings from the event. These presentations provide a wealth of information about state and national health information exchange (HIE)  capabilities and benefits. We hope you enjoy viewing or reviewing the content:

